Economic Analysis

CLL prepared an analysis for the business community of NZTA’s short list of options to replace the current alignment of sh 3 through the Manawatu gorge.
Daily diversion costs first published by corporate logistics in 2012 to regional stakeholders were updated to reflect additional traffic volumes and increased fleet costs.
Investigation of the four NTZA options were completed with recommendations presented as to the most beneficial option for the Manawatu region. ($100k per day).

Manawatu Region heavy vehicle movements

Analysis of Heavy Vehicle Movement (HVM) – Corporate Logistics Regional Trafic Database

We prepared an analysis for the business community of mean average daily traffic (MADT) counts for heavy vehicles traveling through the Manawatu Gorge. The study covered the 10-year period of 2008 to 2017.

Economic impacts for the business community following closure of the Manawatu Gorge road were presented to Manawatu Chamber of Commerce. Predicted changes to regional HVM traffic models were calculated along with suggested new patterns of import and export container movements originating from and transversing through the Manawatu region.

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