Corporate Logistics offers I.T. solutions including: Custom Software, Database design and build, and Hardware & Software supply and support.
We specialise in Microsoft platforms including PC, Tablet, and Server hardware, Windows and Windows Server Software, SQL Server, Exchange Server, and Office 365 products.
With over 30 years experience, we provide service and support for many local companies, providing advice, training, and hardware & software where necessary, with a fast response, quick turnaround, and after hours support when required.
Our custom software design service is fast and efficient utilising agile design and build techniques, and modern programming tools and environments.
Fonterra NZMP

Evaluated fleet scheduling software for the daily collection of raw milk.
Batch Tracking Software

Designed for small to medium sized manufacturers mainly in the food industry. Keeps track of raw materials from point of origin, to batch and BoM manufacturing, work in progress, and end product batches as finished goods inventory. It tracks supplier goods through to finished products with multi-location inventory, to client sales, allowing tracking of any batch through all stages of manufacture, and all ingredients back to source. This facilitates the recall of any affected products should it ever be required. The software is designed to keep track of supplier receipting, manufacturing, stock and basic sales. This software package will compliment existing Warehouse Management Systems and accounting packages. Remote sales (e.g. market, fair, etc.) can be recorded live via a web interface to the back-end with sales and inventory adjusted accordingly. Any sales can be recorded against a particular client or a "Cash Sales" client. The software can be easily adapted to any particular industry.
Functions Management Planner Software

This software is designed to keep track of bookings for multiple function venues, from taking bookings to confirmations, attendee numbers, and catering, tracking event costs relative to budgeted costs. Ideal for Hotels/Motels and any Functions Venue.
Aotearoa Fisheries/Prepared Foods

Logistics and ERP systems evaluation review, business process improvement, WIMS outline, various site inputs.